Keeping up with the day’s news can be something of a chore, particularly when it comes to tech. There’s a constant drum beat of funding announcements, product updates and confident bloggers declaring this, that or the other thing the next Facebook. It can be… overwhelming
Luckily, there are several new tech-focused outlets on the scene that are determined to bring nuanced, well-sourced information to the mix – and even a little bit of fun. That these new efforts are headed or co-headed by women is also worth noting. Tech as a whole has faced criticism for being unfriendly to women (remember the CEO who called a high-heeled woman dumb?), so it’s interesting that a rash of new outlets are formed or led by women, something PandoDaily’s Sarah Lacy trail blazed a couple years ago. As a top women-led business, InkHouse is always thrilled to see more equality, particularly when it comes to the tech world.
But the best part about these publications isn’t that they’re women-helmed. It’s that they’re really, really good:
Re/Code: Like a phoenix from the ashes, Re/Code is the reincarnation of AllThingsD. Now out from under News Corp’s supervision, co-editors Kara Swisher and Walt Mosberg have set out to “reimagine tech journalism.” With their AllThingsD staff intact, expect to see comprehensive tech news, reviews and analysis. Thanks to well-placed sources in the industry, exclusives, like Google’s $400 million acquisition of DeepMind, will abound.
The Information: When Jessica Lessin, former Wall Street Journal editor, launched The Information in December, she was immediately subject to some serious snark on Twitter. Who in her right mind would pay $399/year or $39 a month for more tech news? Well, plenty of people, as Business Insider pointed out. With fresh, in-depth reporting geared toward people on the business side of the tech world and a deep roster of well-connected and savvy editors, we’re betting it’s Lessin who has the last laugh.
Ever feel like your tech news just needs a little more fun? Enter: The On Switch. Kit Eaton and Addy Dugdale set out to create a tech website (and an “anti-tech” sister, The Off Switch), that was anything but the expected mash of product reviews and funding announcements. It has helpful daily news briefs and podcasts, but you’ll also find thought-provoking essays in the Lacy model, like “Facebook does not deserve the opprobrium heaped on it” and “Your next PC is likely to be a tablet.”